Laser Guided Cataract Surgery
Laser Guided Cataract Surgery (LCS)
Since 1986, we have been performing cataract surgery in our own on-site Ambulatory Surgery Center, with our dedicated nursing and technical staff, and the most up-to-date technology and surgical equipment.
Doctors Eric Snyder, Benjamin Currie, and Matthew Currie are committed to making your visual results the very best your eyes are capable of seeing.
One recent advance is Laser Guided Cataract Surgery (LCS) using the Callisto Eye Guidance System, which provides a precise method for correction of astigmatism during cataract removal. Correction of astigmatism helps patients achieve less dependence on glasses after cataract surgery.
- The Callisto Eye Guidance System was designed specifically for customized refractive cataract surgery.
- Offers a more precise cataract surgery.
- Reduces your dependence on glasses.
- Guides your surgeon to treat the unique size and shape of your eye using advanced technology imaging for the best possible surgical outcome.
- Assists the creation of an accurately sized, centered, and circular capsulorhexis to access and remove the cataract. This allows for stable intraocular lens placement.
- Corrects your astigmatism with precise incision placement and intraocular lens alignment customized to your eye.
With this advanced technology, your surgeon can offer you a better, more precise cataract removal procedure that is customized to your eye’s own unique size and shape. If you have astigmatism, LCS can guide your surgeon to correct it for you.
In selecting LCS, you can choose the high-definition Single Vision option for excellent distance vision, or the versatile Multi-Vision option to minimize your dependence on glasses for both distance and near vision.
One of the most technologically advanced options, the Light Adjustable Lens (LAL), is the first and only intraocular lens implant that can be customized AFTER cataract surgery. This LAL option allows for the unique ability to “test drive” and then adjust your vision until it meets your personal desires and lifestyle requirements.
At your appointment, our team will discuss your options with you. Together, we will formulate a treatment plan to restore your vision to its full potential.